We are delighted to advise the commencement of our “Restful Riverside Safaris” package combo deal with Matetsi Victoria Falls including free connecting flights.
Combine a minimum 3 night stay at Dulini with a minumum 3 night stay at Matetsi Victoria Falls and get complimentary flights between the two lodges.
Be enchanted by the soothing tranquillity of life on the river
Surround yourself with the sights and sounds of two beautiful rivers as they wind their way through their respective wildernesses and past two of Africa’s most beautiful and luxurious safari lodges. The combined experience of visiting these extraordinary riverfront properties offers guests not only the calming serenity of the water itself, but the unforgettable sight of the wildlife that thrive in their natural habitat along its banks.
About Dulini
Set in South Africa’s renowned Sabi Sand Nature Reserve, where guests enjoy traversing rights over 10,500 unspoiled hectares of indigenous riverine forests, grassy clearings and rocky outcrops, Dulini offers a sanctuary of restoration, romance and adventure.
The extensive property includes access to 16km of the Sand River; a life-giving water source, as well as a number of its tributaries, along which sit three awe-inspiring hideaways: Dulini Moya, Dulini Leadwood and Dulini River.Astonishing year-round game viewing is complemented by first-class food, wine and wellness experiences, and the quintessential spirit of the African safari.
About Matetsi Victoria Falls
An exquisite riverside retreat sitting just upstream from the largest waterfall on Earth, Matetsi Victoria Falls is surrounded by a sprawling and game-rich 55,000-hectare private game reserve for the exclusive use of its guests. 18 luxurious suites and a four-bedroom private villa are dotted along the mighty Zambezi, which runs deep and cool along the northern boundary of the reserve and inspired the acclaimed design and décor of this family-owned lodge. The 100% Zimbabwean team on property are known for their warm and intuitive service, bringing to life an exceptional culinary offering, an impressive cellar and wine collection, a soul-soothing spa and an incredible wildlife experience that will leave you yearning to return to this wild paradise.
Terms and Conditions
• Standard includes and excludes as laid out in the lodge’s respective rate sheets
• Cost of flights on Fedair from Dulini to MQP and FastJet to VFA or vice versa is deducted from the lodge’s rates – all bookings will be handled by Dulini
• Upgrade to private transfers/vehicle are subject to availability at time of booking
• Validity: Bookings with immediate effect. For stays through to 31 May 2023
• Offer is not combinable with other special offers
• For Matetsi Victoria Falls – the offer is not applicable to River House Private Villa / River Lodge Family suites
• Subject to availability of accommodation and flights at time of booking
• Dulini and Matetsi Victoria Falls reserve the right to amend T&C’s at their discretion and within reason at short notice
• Minimum 3 night stay at each property.
• This offer is not applicable to Zimbabwean, SADC or Africa resident rates.
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